2025 Upcoming art fairs & conventions:
Gen Con – July 30th – August 2nd, Indianapolis, IN

This year I’ve been working with the goal of trying to figure out darker watercolors (not theme-wise, colors!). It’s always been a bit of a struggle to push things to the night side of ideas. I figure out a color combination last week that I’ll be trying out on a larger piece. This resulted in one more small deer painting, and I am making them available as prints for Patrons!
If you’d like the set, they’ll be getting sent out in the mail starting February :) Since lots of my fans are unable to make it to art fairs or conventions, Patreon is a good way to grab some small stuff for yourself.
Like behind the scenes of work, including video, sketches that don’t make the cut, and music I listen to while painting?
It’s a great way to help support creative folk like myself. Money goes towards replenishing supplies, and more importantly, giving me time to work on my own art. All tiers are great – some have mail, some have coloring pages, and all of them have my wanderings through the how & why.

I’ve currently got some art sketch spots over on Patreon!
The Stars tier is limited to 5 people a month, and right now there’s 1 spot available.

All tiers are wonderful and I’m super thankful for all the extra support. Each month, I show behind the scenes for some of my paintings, share music I’m listening too, sometimes bits of stories, as well as watercolor or drawing video. Some tiers get mail, and some have coloring pages.

Some coloring pages that are available to patrons at The Path or higher tiers! Many of them move on to become watercolor paintings.